Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Farm Birthday Cake Question About First Birthday Cake You Had Or Will Have At Your Baby's 1st Birthday?

Question about first Birthday Cake you had or will have at your baby's 1st birthday? - farm birthday cake

We reduced our party for only 18 guests, 8 years, 12 years, a new baby and 15 adults, all family members and close friends, what your baby on 1 Cake, does not affect buying, but the guest, or simply because the child does not remember the game

among his gifts we fishermen the price of small businesses, especially when I thought about a cake in the box, but I thought: Do I have a pie shop because they do not usually go 's in memory and make your child? Thank you.

Here is the cake I was planning to do if you have an opinion about it, because you have a great week pic.
http://s725.photobucket.com/albums/ww255 ...
Chicken, if you please say that you say that the eggs or chicks.

thank you very much I would be the cake, when we want 50 people, but I'm not sure because we have a lot of autumn and know what other parents of Down or will do with their children

see their pa bdVR to Burger King for 2 children can play in the matter and on the Earth's interior because of June and the heat outside where we live, play, thank you in advance for any replies


SKyBabY :) said...

I Say a cake that you receive guests. and, of course, take pictures and see if the child is older. receive a small cake, preferably one that corresponds to the size of the cake and let the baby eat with their hands.

But Photobucket for the photos.
I mean the cow or the farm, because the chicken more like Thanksgiving, and it is summer.

I hope that helped!

Aden's mom said...

Every year, my mother made my cake from scratch, no matter how many people were there. and I will do the same for my little girl.
So it's really your call! When you cook, I put myself, but if you want to save time and then go ahead and buy.

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